Depression, its true nature

A comprehensive course for mental health practitioners

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What they said about this course:

"A ground-breaking new course for all mental health professionals" - Lucy Johnstone, UK clinical psychologist, author and trainer, September 2016, stated in a tweet, @Clinpsychlucy

Kieran: “I have just completed your ‘Depression: Its True nature-For Mental Health professionals’. This was a wonderful course. The depth of your research is truly astounding. The effort made into the production of this course and the investment of time involved is nothing short of humbling. I learnt an awful lot from the course. I also had a lot of my own thinking around depression validated and confirmed. This particularly happened in section 3. I could also say that I will definitely go right back to the start of the course at some stage and begin again, just to reinforce and deepen the learning. You have taught me also what it truly is to research and validate a point of view. If I had this learning in College as I wrote my thesis, I am certainly sure that I would have written a better one. I thank you for sharing your dedication and passion to the acquirement and sharing of knowledge which for me personally really is the essence of life. Perhaps it is fair to say that one could never learn enough in any chosen field.”

Robert: "Thanks Terry very insightful and I look forward to revisiting and reflecting over the material in months ahead".

Yi Ling (Singapore): "Thanks Dr. Lynch. You made the learning easy and the references were very helpful. I have learnt so much and I look forward to other courses."

Evelyn: "Very informative course and as a psychotherapist, invaluable insight".

Julie: "I very much enjoyed the course on Depression. For me I found the last sections on Wounding etc very helpful. It has given me an added dimension of understanding and also confidence. I found as I was listening to you speaking I could apply it to certain Clients which has been so helpful. Definitely had some "a ha!" moments! So I just wanted to give you that feedback and thank you for putting together such a comprehensive course on a subject that is so misunderstood. A course like this has been badly needed I feel."

Thomas: "I just finished the depression course and want to congratulate you on the course, content and delivery. I enjoyed every minute of it and it has been most thought provoking".

Carole: "Highly recommended course. Transformational and worth every cent. Looking forward to the next one!"

Claire: ". Your work is a massive achievement, a revelation and has personally validated my personal experience of mental emotional distress in the past and provides massive hope for the future and my career".

Anne: "I finished the 'True Nature of Depression' course this evening. To be honest I did not want it to end. I don't think anything I can say could properly do justice to the mind-boggling breadth of area you cover in the three sections. As someone who has been involved in education for most of my own career I have never come across a better designed course to get across so successfully, such a potentially complex subject.

The truth about the prevailing view that you encapsulate so powerfully is actually quite devastating so it has been greatly appreciated that it is delivered with such true warmth in your face to face delivery.

Thank you so very much for it all.

I do want to go over certain parts again and that is a great thing that I can do that. There is a great deal for me to reflect on both professionally and personally re my own mental health situation in view of what you present."

Nicole: "Insightful and thought-provoking".

Kathy: "I finished your course Depression, its true nature about a week ago. I have never come across such a course before and found it excellent. You challenge the prevailing viewpoint repeatedly but always backed up by rigorous and thorough research. You tell the truth but do so in a courageous, respectful and dignified manner. Most of all, you offer real HOPE of recovery to those in mental distress. I respect and admire your work very much and am very glad to know you. I will recommend you (and have already) to anyone interested and open to alternative viewpoints of mental health states".

Andrew: “A highly worthwhile undertaking! - Thank you very much Terry for an intriguing and insightful course backed up by solid evidence. A huge amount of work obviously went into compiling the course, backed by immense knowledge and experience, and I would recommend it to anyone who is open minded enough to begin to question the medical orthodoxies around depression.”

Anne: "I knew from your previous work that this course would be good but to say it has exceeded any expectations I had is a serious understatement."

Valerie: " A highly impressive course".

Donal: "Terry, I am really enjoying the course. Full of detail and brave argument. As I complete each section there is a sense that no stone is left unturned."

Patrick: "I'm learning a lot from this course."

Alastair: "Course is highly interesting".

Mark: "This was a very comprehensive course, thank you".

Course curriculum:

The course curriculum is listed towards the end of this page.


£270 Sterling or equivalent in other currencies.Payment by instalment options also available.

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Full 30-day money-back guarantee applies if you are not happy with the course.

About the course:

Working with people diagnosed with depression is a regular aspect of the work of many - perhaps most - mental health practitioners. Over the years, much misinformation and myth has accumulated in relation to depression, both in the training of mental health professionals and in the public arena, regarding depression - what it is, what causes it, and how to respond.

Therefore, one of Terry Lynch's main aims in this course is for mental health practitioners to become fully aware of the real facts in relation to depression - what depression truly is, and just as importantly, what it is not.

Dr. Terry Lynch recognises and respects the training and experience that mental health practitioners have accumulated. Therefore he is not setting out a particular way of working with people. Rather, the information and the learnings within the course will greatly enhance the understanding and confidence of mental health practitioners of all disciplines and modalities in their work with clients and within mental health teams.

Course content:

There are three sections to this course (See full curriculum later on this page - click arrow button at end of Section Two in curriculum to see contents of Section Three):-

(a) The prevailing view of depression, what depression is generally understood to be.

(b) A critique of the prevailing view of depression. This section of the course consists of a detailed analysis of the level of correctness and truth that pertains to each of the common assumptions and beliefs about depression, for example, depression as a medical illness; brain disorder; a chemical imbalance; a genetic illness; an illness just like diabetes, to name just a few of the 11 presentations in this section, amounting to more than 8 hours of audio-visual material in this section alone.

(c) A detailed setting-out of the true nature of depression. In this section of the course, I set out what I have come to understand as the true nature of depression, the true nature of the experiences and behaviours that become collectively labelled as "depression".

Upon completion of this course, participants will have greatly expanded their understanding of what we have come to call "depression", and of the experiences and behaviours that typically become categorised as "depression".

This course is compatible with all mental health professions and all modalities of training.

Terry Lynch has utilised his considerable breadth of knowledge and experience to create this comprehensive online course for mental health practitioners. His knowledge and experience arises from:

* Personal experiences of distress, loss and trauma in his life, particularly his early life;

* Over 30 years as a physician, fully registered with the Irish Medical Council;

* 14 years as a psychotherapist, fully accredited with the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP);

* 14 years as the provider of one of Ireland's few truly recovery-oriented mental health services;

* 9 years of service on national government-appointed mental health groups, including the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy which formulated Ireland's official mental health policy document, A Vision for Change;

* The author of 3 mental health books to date, the first of which (Beyond Prozac) reached no. 3 in Ireland's non-fiction best sellers list, and was shortlisted for the UK Mind 2002 Book of the Year Award;

* An unwavering determination to do what he can to improve the general understanding of emotional and mental health issues, including the psychiatric diagnoses, so that better outcomes become more frequently attainable.

Any questions?

Email me at [email protected]

Compatible with all mental health training modalities:

Whether you are a psychologist, psychotherapist, counsellor, social worker, occupational therapist, peer support worker, psychiatric nurse, community mental health worker, mental health volunteer, GP, psychiatrist, art therapist, or other allied mental health practitioner; if you are interested in greatly increasingly your understanding of depression (and therefore, being more effective in your work with your clients), this course is for you.

This course is applicable for continuing professional development (CPD).

You will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

Course format:

The course is presented in audio-visual format - 36 presentations, amounting to more than 17 hours of audio-visual material.

The text and slides of all presentations are also included.

All course material is downloadable.

Money-back guarantee:

A full refund - available within 30 days of purchase of course - applies, in the event that you are not satisfied with the course.

Ongoing contact with Dr. Terry Lynch is an in-built aspect of this course.

You can discuss any issues or questions you may have, or that arise as you participate in this course, with Terry Lynch.

Your Instructor

Dr. Terry Lynch
Dr. Terry Lynch

Terry's own life experiences and his life as a mental health activist, medical doctor, psychotherapist and mental health author have brought him to a level of understanding of mental health that is unusual if not indeed exceptional.

Terry Lynch has played a prominent role in mental health both nationally and internationally. For a nine-year period, he was appointed by the Irish Department of Health and Children to key national mental health groups - The Expert Group on Mental health Policy (2003-6) which formulated A Vision for Change, Ireland’s official mental health policy document; The Independent Monitoring Group for A Vision for Change (2006-9); the Second Monitoring Group for A Vision for Change (2009-12).

Terry Lynch was the only mental health professional to be appointed to the three Groups named above. In addition, he was also appointed by the CEO of the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) to the Irish Health Service Executive's Mental Health Expert Advisory Group (2006-8).

Terry is the author of 4 books: Prescribed Drug Dependence (Kindle, 2018); Depression Delusion Volume One: The Myth of the Brain Chemical Imbalance (2015); Selfhood: A Key to the Recovery of Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental Health Problems, (2011); and best-seller Beyond Prozac: Healing Mental Distress (2004).

He has appeared regularly in the national media in Ireland and beyond.


Dorothy Rowe, British-based psychologist, author: “Often grassroots ideas inspire people, who would otherwise have lived quietly, to do great things. One such person is Terry Lynch, an Irish GP.”

William Glasser, American psychiatrist, author, founder of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy: “If ever a man puts a human face on mental suffering and offers an optimistic message, Dr. Lynch is that man. If I ever get seriously unhappy, I'm going to camp on Terry's doorstep.”

Professor Ivor Browne,Consultant psychiatrist, former Professor of Psychiatry, University College, Dublin, Ireland : “Would that there were more enlightened doctors and psychiatrists in the country.”

Dr. Pat Bracken, Consultant psychiatrist, Clinical Director, West Cork Mental Health Services, Ireland: "“A true scientist . . . He has contributed enormously to the mental health community in Ireland over the last number of years.”

Course Curriculum

  Introductory remarks (4 min 35 sec)
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full no-quibble refund.

Finally, a brief letter to you about my journey:

I qualified as a medical doctor in 1982, and I worked as a GP (family physician) until 1990.

In my early years as a doctor, I was an enthusiastic believer in the medical approach to mental health. As the years passed, I became increasingly aware of a major mismatch between the experiences and behaviours of the people who attended me with emotional and mental health problems, and the medical process of interpretation of these experiences and behaviours.

This was alarming and shocking for me. The more I asked questions about the medical approach, the more questions - rather than answers - that arose. About three years later, I reached decision-time; do I continue to work within a system in which I had lost faith, or do I commit to truth, cease working within the medical system and carve out a more real and honest understanding and way of working?

I chose the second option. I retrained as a psychotherapist, ceased working as a GP in 1990, and for more that 15 years I have provided a recovery-focused mental health service in Ireland, the kind of service that should be commonly available, but regrettably, is not. To date, I have written three books on mental health, the first of which - Beyond Prozac - reached no. 3 in the Irish non-fiction best-sellers list during 2001.

In addition, I read very widely, and I listened very carefully to the people who attended me, my greatest teachers. About 75% of the people who attend me have already received a psychiatric diagnosis.

In this course, I have sought to set out the understanding of depression that I have reached. This understanding far outstrips the current prevailing understanding of depression.

Every day, and pretty much with every person who attends me having been diagnosed with depression - or who would be likely to be diagnosed with depression if they attended a doctor - these understandings and insights are enormously helpful in my work.

I believe that they will be equally helpful for you, in your work as a mental health practitioner.

Get started now!