2.7. Depression is not a chemical imbalance illness (x5 presentations, 1 hr 42 min 40)

This module updated and expanded as of May 2020.

The assertion that depression is a chemical imbalance illness is one of the most widely accepted 'facts' about depression.

In this module, we examine the veracity of such claims in some detail.

This module consists of:

1. Audio-visual presentation 'Brain chemical imbalances critique'. This is a detailed presentation - 1 hour, 32 min, 4 sec long.

2. A pdf document of the slides used in presentation no. 1 above, pdf entitled '2.7. Depression, not a brain chemical imbalance'. The '2.7' in this title arises from the fact that in the full 'Depression: Its True Nature' course, this module is module no. 2.7.

3. A second audio-visual presentation entitled 'No chemical imbalances, update'. This video lasts 12 minutes 33 seconds. I added this video in late August 2018 to include relevant material that arose since I created the original video in 2016.

4. A second pdf document containing the slides used in the production of the second video in this module.

Comments or questions? I'd be delighted to hear from you. Contact me through the "discussion" section of this lecture, or at [email protected]

Chemical imbalance update real.pdf
Chemical imbalances critique 2019.pdf
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